Sunday, July 10, 2011

Happy birthday Beck!

Friday (July 8) is one of the Bek David Campbell, musician/producer/multi-tasking artist connectedbirthday/amateur Gutenberg better known throughout the world, Beck. This is a bit shocking for a number of reasons voters are the Chief feed materials constitutes a scientific fact that she does not show a day for more than 12.

And though his musical output is some vaipuneet in the last few years (set aside from the, you know, he continued "record Club" in the series and work the Thurston Moore, and Steve Malkmus ... as we said, the industry, the dude's a multitasker), we are here, to the MTV Newsroom-still a few fans and are looking forward to seeing Beck look he goes back to 2008, moody Modern guiltin the monitoring of the day. Or better yet, the ' 99 Midnite Vulturea spiritual sequel to.

In fact, the mere mention of these two albums — and in the disparity between the musical — quite a lot of Why the value entries we love Beck. so much He is a man of the year, all of the really times (and styles), to be able to be out after churning the ethereal fare, such as "Chemtrails" one minute to an Asian party-starters such as flaming, "Sexx laws" to the next (to say nothing of "Debra," the white boy, a slow jam, the son of a white end all the slow jams). Simply put, is not the kind of music there, that he is not tried their hand at or completely done his own thing.

Consequently Beck's birthday, here's a look back at "120 minutes", "if he tears up his copy of the first press A Western harvest field by Moonlight LP (a pity, because it is probably worth big bucks now) are included in the finger painting, his appearance destroys the phone of 1994 epochal and repeats some of the noise of his trusted subordinate portable cassette recorder..., and that is only the first segment of the celebration. So enjoy, and make sure that you can send a message to the birthday Beck. We are confident that he or she benefits from reading ... each time the he is these days.

Tags Beck Happy birthday!, video

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