Friday, September 2, 2011

Yuck refuse to let the Hype "Get Ahead" of them, does not Sound survival Plan

Gino DePinto, AOL

Before British quartet Yuck claimed their title indie-darling at SXSW this year, teenage friends Max Bloom and Daniel Blumberg were in another group called Cajun Dance Party who succeeded to the album 2008 'Life colorful'.

"It happened very quickly and I was very young and she was so bizarre that it was not a band that I wanted to be and I was not particularly interested in being a part of it that much,"Yuck guitarist and composer Bloom told Spinner on his experience with CDP.""

Fortunately, Yuck could give him a chance to start a new and around the world with their self-titled record, which some critics found the second coming of the rock of the 1990s. "You cannot describe your own music," says Bloom. "It's the thing I hate to do more in the world." If you could describe it, it's kind of arrogant. "Play us rapid, powerful speed metal'".

Despite their use of catchy riffs and heavy reverb, it was never intent of the band sounds like Dinosaur Jr. "Me and Daniel, when we started, were really excited to be working together and then we wrote the songs of the loads in a very short and recorded time fair," Bloom said. "We did not really think how it might appear.". We did this that felt as natural to do something. It was really a slow learning process how save ourselves. »

The group is surprised by the manner in which the registration has taken off, which allowed them to leave England to travel the world. "It is always very difficult to say how although you do because you are in a certain place, while you are in another place," says drummer bushy hair of Yuck Jonny Rogoff. "We went to the Brazil, and we just assumed that nobody knew that our music or listen to our music much and then get you there, and then you have people who go,"I love your album". "It is really difficult to know how well you do until you go somewhere."

For the moment their tour took adventures across the United States. "I love driving around, complete especially in America," said Rogoff. "You can be on the road for a long time and then you are coming up to the city and you see just the line of horizon city coming up and entering the area."

Everything could be going well for Yuck, but they know that they must keep their wits to their topic. "He must realize that your work is making music," said Bloom. "If you think that things get better, it depends on what kind of person you are." I suppose that we are all very low land. You cannot let get it before you. »

Yuck plan out a few B-sides and a new material this year and then reach the high seas in January on the cruise of Weezer . "I'm kind of worried, however," jokes Rogoff. "I feel that the boat will sink." I believe that it will be too rock for the boat to handle. »

Watch "Live From Austin" Interview of the Yuck

Download Yuck songs .
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