Tuesday, October 11, 2011

How Did Steve Jobs Change Your Life?

It's a sad, sad night as we reflect on the genius of Steve Jobs, who left us today at the just-too-soon age of 56.

Many of us grew up hearing stories of the wonders of Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell and wondered "what was life like before a light bulb or a telephone." But we were lucky enough to experience that change first hand as Jobs and his wizards at Apple created products that not only changed the way we lived everyday, but the way we saw the world.

As the news broke across Twitter, we stopped and realized that everyone in the newsroom had either an iPhone, iPod or iPad at the ready. White headphones were everywhere. One editor yelled "my first mixtape to a girl was actually a playlist on an iPod." Someone with a few years on him had made a mixtape on an actual cassette but admitted that the first movie he showed his young son had actually -- and fittingly -- been a Pixar film on an iPad. One actually remembered the first book report he had typed on his Apple IIe.

It's hard to think about just how much the products from this visionary seep into our lives. And we are sure they are major parts of yours. Please share with us just how Jobs and his universe play a part in yours. We'll be highlighting your thoughts in the coming days across MTV.

Tags Apple, steve jobs

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