by Josh Wigler
With this week’s episode of “Survivor: South Pacific,” we’ve officially fallen into that familiar early-season rhythm: a couple of characters remain consistent breakouts (bHantz, we’re looking at you), while the remaining players are either too under the radar to make an impression or are too obviously about-to-be-gone to give a hoot. To that end, this week brought another obvious boot, another person to be permanently removed from the game, and some typically classic Hantz moments. Survivors ready? Go and click past the jump for the full recap!
Episode four begins at Savaii, where there is NuLife for NuCochran: after two tribal councils with his neck on the chopping block, “South Pacific’s” dominant dork is approached by Jim with a secret proposal: target Elyse, their beautiful tribe mate who just so happens to be a bit too cozy with Ozzy for comfort. To them, it's simple math: get rid of Elyse, get rid of Ozzy's plaything, one less vote the veteran has in his back pocket. But getting Elyse out of the game will require more numbers than Jim and NuCoch have between each other, so feelers are put out towards the lonely island that is Dawn. Recognizing her own fragility within the game, Dawn agrees that ousting Elyse would be the best course of action.
Elyse isn't the only "E" with a target on her back: at Upolu, Edna is told by Brandon — in all of the delicate, sensitive phrasing that he’s becoming best known for — that she's the odd man out looking in on the five person alliance of himself, Coach, Rick, Albert and Sophie. Armed with this new knowledge, a misty-eyed Edna decides to "reemphasize" her social game, a decision that comes with endless irritating questions for her tribe mates, and a grating giggle that refuses to die. Stacey, among other people, is not amused.
The Redemption Island duel is barely worth mentioning — Christine broke out in an early lead against Papa Bear, and despite some last-minute catching up on his part, she had little trouble knocking the retired NYPD detective out of the game for good — so let's move onto immunity. The challenge is vintage "Survivor" at its finest: three people stand on pedestals and have to balance weighted bags on a pole on their back, with more weight being added with every subsequent round. Fan-favorite “Survivor” Rupert Boneham holds the record in this familiar challenge with 220 pounds on his back, a record that is almost but not quite shattered this week by Jim and Brandon, who match the 220 but break down at 240. In the end, it’s a showdown between two unexpected individuals, Stacey and Dawn, with the latter woman prevailing. Having already lost two members of their tribe, Team Savaii's latest win keeps their numbers even with Upolu's, and comes with an additional reward: two hens and a rooster. Look who’s having eggs for breakfast!
Back at Upolu, Stacey knows her time is likely up, though she isn’t going down without a fight. Having proved her physical toughness at immunity, Stacey puts her mental game to work, trying to psych the fragile Brandon into thinking that a secret alliance exists between his pals Albert and Sophie and his nemesis Mikayla. The littlest Hantz in the South Pacific expresses his deep concerns to Coach, who immediately snaps: "If you believe somebody who is on death row, like Stacey is, over someone who is in your core alliance, you may as well throw in the towel now."
Surprisingly apt words of wisdom, especially coming from Coach, except for one problem: at this point, Brandon is so far down the rabbit hole that his demise could come from anyone or anything. For the Hantzspawn, absolutely nothing is certain, and absolutely no one can be trusted.
Though his downfall is surely not too far in the future, Brandon's time is not up tonight. It's Stacey who is sent home packing after an emotional tribal council that sees the familiar flow of #hantztears over his family’s dark legacy. After unanimously ousting Stacey (with only one stray vote, her own, for Edna), the tribe inexplicably tries to give a group hug to their fallen comrade. Stacey wants none of this. As she blitzes right past them, Probst is barely able to keep a straight face: "After all that, they tried to give you a hug." I’ve seen some weird things on “Survivor,” but hugs at Tribal Council? You’re playing the wrong game, Upolu.
Next week, the Survivors feed their need for meat and then some. Oh, and Coach Wade? Don't call him Benjamin. You wouldn't like him when you call him Benjamin.
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