Monday, August 8, 2011

ZEE AVI celebrates life in "The book of Morris Johnson" - video


Zee avi is the definition of success during the night in the digital age. After several songs on YouTube while studying as a student in art in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, the artist of Borneo took the internet by storm, gathering thousands of plays and landing eventually contract jointly with Brushfire of Jack johnsonand Ian Monotone records Montone.

"The book of Morris Johnson" contains claps hands inclusive, lazy day island hopping ukulele and singing of incredibly easy alto of Zee Avi. The video accompanying the song is a dream on the theme of jungle fantasy, complete with a trio of dance and a sea of neon that Avi coast slowly along a canopied boat.

"'The book of Morris Johnson' is much more of a point of philosophical view on how we choose to see a particular situation." Animals in the song paints a brighter way more colorful perceptions that we often take for granted, "Avi tells Spinner." "[Director] Aran Reo Mann could not have been a perfect more apt to contribute to this song to life.". "The video captures each animated line of a Visual celebration, which is what is the essence of the song".

Upcoming ZEE Avi album "ghostbird" will be launched on August 30, via Brushfire.

Watch video of Zee Avi "the book of Morris Johnson"

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