When jon Favreau reverence of the "Iron Man" franchise in December, the filmmaker made it clear that he remained on good terms with Marvel Executive and that he would remain in the family of studio as an executive producer on the All-Star Game of upcoming superhero flick, "The Avengers."

But with Favreau worked with Director functions on hybrid exotic Western "Cowboys & aliens" and the work of preparation on "Magic Kingdom," his family Disney World-set photo, it remains to be seen how involved it would be with "Avengers", which started filming in April. Now, as the trailer of "avengers" leak (after appearing in the sequence of post-credits for "captain america") and the fans got their first look at what Director Joss Whedon has done with this collection of superheroes, we also get an idea of the role of Favreau in the action.

"My involvement is just to be favourable I can be." Most of the casting is the people who came on board to work with me on the "iron Man" film, so I feel a sense of responsibility which their. "I really hope that if he is able to," Favreau told MTV News while promoting the "Cowboys and aliens". "I am not in the trenches with them and I am not creative decisions on their behalf, but I am completely available and service."

It is far from fans how could believe things would be back in 2008, when the Favreau said it would be open to direct "Avengers." But in October 2009, MTV News broke the news, it would not be helming the film and after the success of "Iron Man 2" theaters last year, he gave Director functions on this franchise Shane black. These days, Favreau said that Whedon was better a choice to direct "Avengers" would never be.

"They have Joss Whedon, which is a very talented guy and is really good with sets and really understands the kind of superheroes better than me," explained Favreau. "I understand very well, especially the"iron Man"film and casting and the characters all built them to one thing 'iron Man'.". But there are other characters that I don't know. Each filmmaker had a different approach to the way they went about it - 'captain america' is coming out, "thor." The combination of all these things will be its own thing as Joss, adopted and wrote the script. I expect great things. »

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